Project 3 has been a real hard one for me. This one took my up and down with all the emotions. I struggled with the quality of my work as I try to put my best foot forward, but I couldn't seem to find a way to create something I was proud of. I began to get really frustrated which clouded my ability to be creative at all which further pushed me behind everyone else. I did really enjoy seeing what was possible through other classmates, but that definitely tested me since I wanted to be at least close to the quality they were able to put out during these projects.

I was able to figure out the green screen pop quiz which I really enjoyed. I felt like I was able to really grasp the ins and outs of using adobe animate. The unfortunate part for me was that I couldn't figure out how to get that to translate over onto our overall project.

The cartoons are a perfect depiction of how I felt when I was trying to do this project. I oftentimes found myself riddled with frustration while trying to keep my cool and think of ideas. My idea of a baseball player hitting a home run became seemingly impossible so I hard to scrap it all which only added onto the frustration. After this debacle I was unable to get past my block. I have now had to move on because I'm running out of time to complete my other assignments so I will sadly have to leave this one behind. I look forward to putting this project behind me and doing a much better job on project #4.
As I eluded to a bit was the fact that a positive from this project was getting my feet underneath me with the adobe animation quiz. I truly did enjoy pulling some videos from adobe and creating my own little story. It was the first pop quiz that I truly felt like "I can do this!". It does make me a bit sad that it took me this long to finally start figuring it out but at least now I can say that I belong in this class just like everyone else. Some of the other students have really done an amazing job and I'm always in shock with what they come up with. Now I'm finally seeing a path in which I can some what keep up. I certainly am not close to the level of some in the class, but I have started to see its not about that in this class. Everyone is at different levels and that's okay, I wish I would've just believed that sooner.
